Expressions And Idioms: To Flick Someone

September 25, 2017 - Priscila Pereira

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I’m so happy to be here with a new post! You might have noticed, but I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks. I was on vacation! Yes! Resting, sleeping, eating and having fun in Buenos Aires Argentina! But now I am back and ready to post new tips for you here on the blog, on Instagram, on youtube and facebook! Are you ready?

Expressions and Idioms: 3 Phrases You Need to Use!

August 16, 2017 - Priscila Pereira

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I love writing posts about expressions and idioms. My main goal with this kind of post is to help you sound more a like a native speaker. I wanna teach you the expressions and idioms native speakers use all the time that you should start using too! In this post, I will show you 3 phrases you need to use.