Reading Tip – How to Ask and Answer Questions in English
Learn how to improve your English Comprehension with this Reading Tip Hey student! In this lesson, I am going to show you a very nice
Learn how to improve your English Comprehension with this Reading Tip Hey student! In this lesson, I am going to show you a very nice
Hey student! In this English lesson, I am going to show you 3 phrases to show excitement in English! Stop saying you are excited! Use these expressions!
How to disagree Politely in English Learn how to disagree politely in English with this very sweet and short post. If you want to improve
Do you sometimes get confused with these adjectives?In this post, I am going to show you the difference between ED and ING adjctives
Do you have problems with Mental Translation? Mental translation is when you constantly translate things in your head from Portuguese (or your native langague) to English before you speak. However, you need time to do that and consequently you get stuck, because you spend too much time thinking of translations.
It was a funny man. Some people thought he was crazy, others thought he was positive… The man with no past only focused on the present.
When asked questions, he couldn’t remember. He stayed in the present. No matter what. No past, no memories, just the now, the present…
Será que vale apena aprender phrasal verbs? Muitos alunos que entram em um nível intermediário ou que estudam sozinho se deparam com esta pergunta: será que vale apena aprender phrasal verbs? São tantos!Não sei se consigo aprender…
A vida é cheia de desafios não é verdade? E para ser sincera, acredito que por mais que reclamamos as vezes dos desafios da vida, não conseguiríamos viver sem eles. A vida seria simplementes muito chata, sem aventuras, sem superação. Com o inglês é a mesma coisa.