November 29, 2017
Podcast: How To Improve Your Vocabulary And Speaking
Hey, there!
In this section of the blog, I’m going to do podcasts about many different kinds of subjects. You can check the audio and full transcript. That way you work on your listening and reading skills!
So today, So, today, I want to talk about my 7 goals for 2017.
Learn to swim
I can NOT believe I still can’t swim. I tried to learn it while I lived in Boston, but I stopped after 3 months. This year I’m decided to take up classes again. I feel horrible whenever I go to the beach and can’t have a good time because I’m too afraid to go into the water. But as I always teach you guys, baby steps, I’ll work hard and at the end of this year, I’ll let you know what happened.
Play the piano
Ok, another thing I’m trying to learn here. I really like music and I got myself a digital piano last year. I’ve been doing a good job all things considered, but I want to improve even more. That’s why I’m decided that 2017 is gonna be the year for me! I’ll learn lots of new things and keep pushing! I can already play a few songs, but I still have a lot to learn.
Being a better friend!
I love my girls! Well, all my friends, boy and girls! So, for 2017 I want to be a better friend and spend even more time with my friends. We sometimes take friendship for granted. Let me tell you one thing: big mistake!! Friends help you become a better person and they always manage to find the best in you!! Stay close to your friends!
Make my channel grow!!!
Well, that depends a lot on Me!! But also on you I had a few bumps in the way last year, but I’m working really hard to make a better channel for you! I have so many ideas! I am putting them together and I promise you, you are going to learn a lot of cool stuff with me! Making a channel grows takes time and dedication, just like learning English
Travel more!!
There is something special about traveling, and I can tell you for sure that it has nothing to do with the clothes you buy or even the beautiful pictures you take. Every time I travel I learn something new about myself and that gives me strength to keep going and discover new things. Besides, there are things you only learn if you live it, not read it!
I did travel last year, but not abroad. So I want to have a nice international experience this year. I don’t know where I will go, but one thing is for sure: outside Brazil! I want to go to the USA or somewhere in Europe. Any suggestions?
Read more, so much more!
As Doctor Seuss once said: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places youll go.” He is so right about that. Reading is inspiring and it can change the way you feel in a New York minute!
I’m not proud of the number of books I read last year (only 7, I know really low, ain’t it?). But I want to change that this year! I promised myself to read 12 books this year. I’m not the most avid reader, so this is going to be a challenge for me. Most books I read were in English and I can tell you that my vocabulary has
improved a lot! Imagine if I read 12 books? It is gonna be great!
Stay healthy and in shape!
If you stay healthy, it is easier to stay in shape! Win win! I like to exercise and eat healthy stuff but last year was not my greatest one and I must say I had a lot of cheat meals. It is not just about physical appearance, but I really felt more tired last year. I worked hard and I felt like I was not keeping up with all the things I was doing. That definitely made me realize I was not being nice to myself and my body. That’s why I’d like to have a more balanced diet (no crazy diets, ok? I’m against that) and feel better, more energetic! I love to run and go to the park, so it is important to be healthy for that!
Well, these are my main 7 goals for 2017, how about you? Have you made any resolutions? I’d love to know what they are! Let me know in the comments! Do you think I’ll be able to learn to swim? Can you swim? Is it too difficult?
Thanks, guys,
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