Phrasal Verb Put Up With – Learn how to use it

August 12, 2017 - Priscila Pereira

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I hope you are having a great day! First time on my blog? So how about getting to know me a little bit? Check my about page. Here on the blog, you will find many different things about English and general motivational articles, ok? I want to help you talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime in English in a cool relaxed way 🙂

But here we go!The phrasal verb of the day is put up with! Do you know this phrasal verb? It is a very common one and you will hear native speakers use it all the time. Put up with means to tolerate. However, it is a more informal way to say “tolerate”. You can use “tolerate”, but in specific situations, ok?

As I mentioned above, “put up with” is more informal and therefore much more used in spoken language. I usually show you many different meanings of how to use a phrasal verb, but today, this phrasal verb is specifically used to mean “tolerate”. Another important thing about this phrasal verb is that you can NOT separate the parts of this phrasal verb. With some phrasal verbs, you can write or say the object in the middle. For example I turned the music down. OR I turned down the music. With “put up with” you don’t have options. You can only say the full verb and then your object: put up with something. It is inseparable.

Real Life Examples!

Example 01:  I can’t put with Jenny’s attitude anymore. She never listens to anybody!

In this case, I’m saying I can NOT tolerate Jenny’s attitude. I’m upset, she doesn’t listen to people around her.

Example 02: It is getting really hard to put up with the new neighbors. They are so noisy. It is driving me crazy!

In this case, I’m upset with my neighbors and I cannot tolerate the noise they many anymore. I’m going “crazy” because of the noise!

Example 03:  I don’t understand how Susie puts up with her husband. He is so lazy and never helps her with anything.

In this case, I’m talking about Susie and her lazy husband. I don’t understand why she “tolerates” such a “lazy” “unhelpful” husband.

Example 04: Mom, I can’t put up with Peter any longer! He won’t give my stuff back. He always does that.

In this case, I’m talking to my mother about Peter (Peter is probably the brother). Peter never returns the things he takes and this is really annoying! I can NOT tolerate that anymore!

Example 05:  John, if you want to keep this job, you really need to change your behavior. People can not put up with your complaining all the time! Susie said…

In this case, Susie told John to stop complaining about things (complain: say something is not good, or to say you are unhappy all the time) and change, because people around him can NOT tolerate his attitude anymore.

Example 06: Robert and Linda broke up last week. Robert told me he couldn’t put up with Linda’s jealousy anymore. It was getting really hard for him to be with her.

In this case, I’m talking about Robert and Linda. Robert ended his relationship with Linda because he couldn’t tolerate Linda’s jealousy anymore. It was difficult for him to be with her.

So, what do you think of this phrasal verb? How about you tell me your own examples? I’d love to see your examples in the comments!

Are you enjoying the phrasal verb post? Have you checked the previous ones?   There are many posts about phrasal verbs here. Check them out!

Help me spread the word and share this post on your social media, English groups, communities and forums! By doing that, you are helping more people learn phrasal verbs in English!

Learning phrasal verbs can be tricky, however, if you dedicate yourself, you can do it!

Therefore, if you would like to know about a specific phrasal verb that is not here yet, let me know, and I’ll make a post about it!

Thanks guys,

Teacher Prix.

Priscila Pereira

Starbucks and TV Series lover: juggling with teaching, blogging, and a YouTube life! I’m teacher Prix and I want to help you talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime in English! This blog is for English speakers who are looking for an effective blog. Get inspired by hundreds of different posts for all English levels, so that you can finally learn English easily and effectively on the internet.

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