Expressions And Idioms: To Flick Someone

September 25, 2017 - Priscila Pereira

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Hey, friends!

How are you doing?

I’m so happy to be here with a new post! You might have noticed, but I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks. I was on vacation! Yes! Resting, sleeping, eating and having fun in Buenos Aires Argentina! But now I am back and ready to post new tips for you here on the blog, on Instagram, on youtube and facebook! Are you ready?

In today’s post, we will talk about a nice verb/expression you should know. After all, we never know when this situation might happen to us. In this kind of post, I like to talk about expressions, verbs, and idioms that we don’t usually study on books. I like to show you expressions, verbs, and idioms that I see in movies and TV shows. So every post from this category, be sure that it is gonna be something  I saw in a movie and or TV series, or even during a Talk show!

Today we will talk about the verb “flick” More specifically, to “flick someone”. Before I explain it to you, watch this short scene from Friends, where Rachel and Monica are having a heated conversation, well more like a fight

Rachel is angry that Monica is NOT letting her explain and talk, so she suddenly “FLICKS” Monica.

What is to Flick someone? You use your finger and hit the other person usually because you want their attention or just because you are angry at this person or even because you are playing, it doesn’t have to be only because of a fight or because you are angry, ok?. You make a quick movement with your  finger and thumb together, just like in this picture

                  to flick something/someone


What I like about this verb is that you don’t only “flick” someone with your finger. You can use an object to flick someone. For example

My sister flicked a wet towel at me

We were having breakfast when my brother started flicking breadcrumbs at me (breadcrumbs – very small pieces of bread)


The man flicked a t-shirt at the player


There are different ways to use this verb. I like to emphasize this to my readers and students every time I post about expressions, phrasal verbs, and idioms. English is a very flexible language and sometimes you may find this verb being used in a completely different situation.

Now, I have some questions for you! I would love to see your answers here in the comments section below!

  1. Have you ever flicked someone?
  2. Has anyone ever flicked you? How did you feel? Did you flick back?
  3. Have you ever flicked something at someone? What was it?
  4. Have you ever watched Friends? Do you know what this episode was about? (don’t worry if you don’t know the answer to this question. I’m just trying to find Friends’ fans and see they really like Friends enough to remember this episode 😛


Well, guys, this is it! I hope you enjoyed this post. It is a simple verb, but it will be very nice to use it and to understand it whenever you listen to it in movies or TV series!

Did you like this post? So help me spread the word and share it with your friends!

Thanks, guys

Teacher Prix

Priscila Pereira

Starbucks and TV Series lover: juggling with teaching, blogging, and a YouTube life! I’m teacher Prix and I want to help you talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime in English! This blog is for English speakers who are looking for an effective blog. Get inspired by hundreds of different posts for all English levels, so that you can finally learn English easily and effectively on the internet.

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